Virtually all network printers made today supportBonjour, as do devices like Axis network cameras.Other devices are starting to support Bonjour discovery too. Or possibly you do have some,but they don’t yet advertise that fact using Bonjour. If the only thing you see in your Bonjour list is the “About Bonjour” link,then possibly you don’t have any devices on your local network that areaccessible using a web browser. This is a great idea, except for one big problem:to access the device’s web page, you need to know what IP address to type into your web browser.Even if you know what address to type, typing IPv4 addresses by hand is barely tolerable, andbeing expected to type IPv6 addresses by hand is completely unreasonable.Bonjour solves this problem.Safari displays a list of Bonjour-advertised web pages it finds on the local network.To view a device’s page you simply double-click on its name. Is Apple just doing a clumsy “hard-sell” trying to push its latest “cool” technology?No, there’s a good reason for the Bonjour menu in Safari.Many of today’s network devices, like printers, network cameras, and home gateways,are configured and managed using a web browser. This makes us suspect that mDNSResponder won’t be disappearing from macOS again any time soon.About Bonjour in Safari (and other Web browsers) About Bonjour in Safari (and other Web browsers) Apple brought back mDNSResponder a year later for El Capitan, which apparently fixed 300 different macOS bugs in one swift motion. According to Ars Technica, Apple briefly ditched mDNSResponder for Yosemite in 2014, only to discover that a lot of things break without it. You might think that Apple removed mDNSResponder from macOS years ago, and you’re sort of correct.
If you do, restarting your Mac should solve the problem in most cases. In some circumstances, disabling Bonjour may prevent you from connecting to the Internet altogether, so it’s probably best to just allow mDNSResponder to access your network.įrom the most part, you shouldn’t notice mDNSResponder taking up a lot of CPU or memory.

Blocking this process from accessing the network prevents Bonjour from working, which makes it harder to use your local network. If you use a Mac firewall, you’re going to see popups about mDNSResponder. A simple program called Bonjour Browser allows you to quickly browse all of the Bonjour-enabled devices on your network.
Third party software can also use Bonjour: for example, you can stream audio from iTunes to Kodi, even if you’re running Kodi on Windows, if you have Bonjour installed.
Because the same process runs on Windows, Bonjour can also be used to quickly connect to Windows computers running software like iTunes-this is how sharing iTunes libraries between PCs and Macs works. Bonjour also populates the picture sharing in Photos, the list of Airplay-compatible devices, and quickly finding printers. Bonjour is the reason this works: the protocol allows two computers on the same network to easily find each other, meaning the list of shared iTunes libraries is always up-to-date.īonjour enables more than just iTunes’ sharing-it helps populate the list of “Shared” devices in Finder. Open iTunes and you can see and browse other iTunes libraries over your local network. One example of this working is iTunes’ library sharing.

Why look for other devices? To make networking simple. Our process, mDNSResponder, regularly scans your local network looking for other Bonjour-enabled devices. Bonjour is Apple’s zero-configuration networking service, which basically means it’s how Apple devices find each other on a network. Today’s process, mDNSResponder, is a core part of the Bonjour protocol.